Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears?

Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears?
Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears? (IndiaTimes)

Optical illusions that challenge reality and question our perception are excellent brain exercises. A great example is the image below.

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In this black and white image, the challenge is to recognize the dog hidden among many polar bears. A tip to find the little dog: focus your gaze on the central left part of the image.

Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears? (IndiaTimes)
Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears? (IndiaTimes) (IndiaTimes)

Even with tips, the search can be challenging. Don’t worry; what matters is the experience, and besides the discovery, the fun lies in the cognitive journey, encouraging the improvement of visual skills. Check out the answer:

Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears? (IndiaTimes)
Challenge: Can you find the dog among this multitude of polar bears? (IndiaTimes) (IndiaTimes)
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